Erica Cody is a holistic professional. Erica began her journey when she joined her family’s chiropractic practice in 2006. While facing some of her own health challenges, she learned first-hand how important it is to strive for and maintain optimal health. She founded Northwest Medical Thermography to help other people figure out their own health mysteries in a less invasive, more holistic way. Erica provides others with the opportunity to detect issues in their bodies through looking at their physiology and allowing that person to use nutrition, exercise, and other care, such as chiropractic, to change a health issue before it becomes a medical emergency. With an increased interest in her practice and talents, her business expanded. Northwest Healing Center offers more services alongside the tested techniques her clients expect. Northwest Healing is the destination to find your inner and outer beauty while offering practical knowledge for your important healthcare decisions. Erica’s mission is to promote health, relaxation, and well being.
We are proud to support the largest community of thermographers who work hard to deliver the highest standards in thermography. Northwest Medical Screening provides preventative care screening options such as thermography and ultrasound. We offer holistic care screening options which are out of pocket. Patients can submit their invoices to their insurance company for reimbursement. We do not take Medicare or Medicaid.
My name is Erica Cody, I am a mother of 4 amazing kids and I live a very active life keeping up with those kids. In the spring of 2011, I was recovering from paralysis caused by Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) when I discovered lumps in my left breast. Panic set in. In my PTSD state of mind, the thought of dealing with another health crisis was horrifying.
I knew that I did not want to go through a mammogram. While dealing with GBS, I had been exposed to an excessive amount of radiation due to the necessary tests needed during that life-threating health crisis. I had come across an article, “Why Mammography is NOT an Effective Breast Cancer Screen” on mercola.com that truly substantiated my thoughts on too much radiation exposure. The article also enlightened me on thermography, digital infrared thermal imaging! Thermography is a non-radiation, non-invasive, painless breast screening tool that has the ability to detect the vein structure that cancer needs to develop to feed itself before it can become dense enough to be detected through a mammogram. Allowing developing pathology, cancer, to be treated in the curtail early stages leads to the opportunity for a much greater rate of survival. Sign me up!!
After much searching, I found someone that offered a medical-grade thermal scan. I had to drive quite a ways, but it was worth it. The breast scan did not take very long at all, less than 30 minutes! It was interesting to me that I had to turn 360 degrees while a series of images were taken. It was not just my breasts between two plates, so if I had pathology on my chest wall (this is just one of the many scenarios that a mammogram would not detect), it would be picked up in the thermal scan. I left feeling the peace of mind that day. Even though I did not have the results, I was taking action to find out what the odd lumps were and not just worrying about what they could be. After a few days, I received my report via email. It was written by a medical doctor (MD) that specialized in thermal interpretation. The report indicated I had fibrocystic breasts due to getting older. I have an amazing doctor who once told me to be happy with getting older, the alternative is not so much fun!! I was happy at that moment to not be facing another health crisis.
I remember thinking that it would be great to make thermography available closer to home. Although I had every intention to return to Mechanical Engineering when my youngest went to school, I redirected my ambitions. Now my dream of making thermography more available in the “burbs” is a reality. I am happy to be here for those likeminded persons looking for radiation-free solutions to help them navigate their personal health care choices. It makes me smile to know that I am helping empower people to be proactive with their own health journey.